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1 / 3

Dream Bag 47

swatch الألوان
swatch المقاسات
1.950 €

لقد وصلت إلى العدد الأقصى المسموح به لهذا المنتج في السلة.

A duffle bag with several ways of holding it. A small handle on the side of the bag helps carrying it in crowded spaces or pass through narrow doors. Two top handles go all the way around the bag to haul heavy weight. And the long strap allows for shoulder or cross-body carry. It’s the ideal piece to go from the office to the gym.


طول  47 cm / 18.5 in
الطول  28 cm / 11 in
عرض  29 cm / 11.5 in

Strap length

MIN  81 cm / 31.8 in
MAX  133 cm / 52.3 in

ما يمكن أن يصلح فيه



Discover our tips to care for your item. Keep your Weapon of Seduction looking fabulous for as long as possible.

The Scale Canvas

The brand uses the Ecailles scale motif as the house signature. This motif – at once armor and ornament, evoking dragons and mermaids – confers power and allure to its wearers.

The Lyon Frame Printing

The artisan screen-prints the Ecailles scale pattern onto the weave of the canvas in steps, using different stencils. This demanding technique is intricate and requires the hand of a virtuoso. This method enables Fauré Le Page to pair superlatively strong canvas with the embellishment reserved for the finest of fabrics.
Fauré Le Page Explore the Parisian world of Fauré Le Page and our latest collection.Exceptional items crafted using artisanal techniques: the iconic Daily Battle tote, bags, luggage, and small leather goods. Express delivery to over 140 countries.
Fauré Le Page Explore the Parisian world of Fauré Le Page and our latest collection.Exceptional items crafted using artisanal techniques: the iconic Daily Battle tote, bags, luggage, and small leather goods. Express delivery to over 140 countries.