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1 / 3

6CC 卡包 Large Scale

swatch 颜色
320 €

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This season, with a new format and a fresh play on scales, the Card Holder takes center stage. The reimagined Scale Canvas with enlarged pattern magnifies the details of the print, creating a graphic and captivating effect. Its combination of unprecedented colors, contrasting with Mars Ochre, fits perfectly with the current trends.

Ideal for accompanying all your outings, it provides space for 6 cards, divided into 3 slots on each side. On top of that, its large compartment allows you to slip in your receipts. Available in Paris Blue and Steel Grey, it is ready for every occasion.

Fauré Le Page Explore the Parisian world of Fauré Le Page and our latest collection.Exceptional items crafted using artisanal techniques: the iconic Daily Battle tote, bags, luggage, and small leather goods. Express delivery to over 140 countries.


  10 cm / 3.9 in
  8 cm / 3.1 in




探索Fauré Le Page的产品保养指南,助您的魅力武器长久保持迷人的光彩。

On A Large Scale

This seasonal print, with its amplified Scale, elevates your favorite pieces to a whole new level. The unprecedented colors, contrasting with Mars Ochre, create a highly graphic and mesmerizing show.

Under the Spotlight

Onstage, in the private box or on the front balcony, the Fauré Le Page items from the Fall-Winter 2023 collection unveil a magnificent performance. Adorned with a new canvas featuring an expanded scale of the iconic pattern, in combination with grained calfskin leather, they bring their A-game.

Fauré Le Page Explore the Parisian world of Fauré Le Page and our latest collection.Exceptional items crafted using artisanal techniques: the iconic Daily Battle tote, bags, luggage, and small leather goods. Express delivery to over 140 countries.
Fauré Le Page Explore the Parisian world of Fauré Le Page and our latest collection.Exceptional items crafted using artisanal techniques: the iconic Daily Battle tote, bags, luggage, and small leather goods. Express delivery to over 140 countries.